Thursday, January 29, 2009

The House of Yimou Zhang

Theatrical Poster For House of Flying Daggers

Most great film makers have a few top level films that critics and fans both agree on as being classics regardless of the genre. Few have three films in a row of such exquisite beauty and memorable story lines as director Yimou Zhang and his "Wuxia" Trilogy: "Hero", "The House of Flying Daggers", and "Curse of the Golden Flower". All three films transcend their genre and should be considered requisite viewing for any real film enthusiast. Trust me.

All three films are steeped in the lore of "wuxia" and therefore are highly reflective of Chinese literature and historical ideas that are centuries old.In a sense they are timeless tales but their historical context cannot be ignored. Regardless of cultural differences the themes of honor, duty, loss, and self sacrifice resonate with any viewers. Lovers of Shakespearean tragedy as well early cowboy films such as "Shane" are equally at home in the wuxia genre.

The most notable aspect of Yimou Zhangs films are the incredible visual storytelling he brings to the classic story lines; the use of color to infer truth, reality, and betrayal. The spectrum of emotion in these three films is impressive to say the least. His films are truly meant for viewing in high definition ( which is sadly ironic because as of this writing "House of Flying Daggers" features a sub standard transfer on Blu Ray, "Hero" is inexplicably unavailable domestically, only "Curse of the Golden Flower" is available and features a picture quality worthy of it's original theatrical print.

I've heard many rumors on why the domestic picture quality suffers. The most likely truth is the fact that American distributors of these foreign films are not given copies of the master print of the film. Often the copy they have is inferior and therefore does not hold up well under a high definition scrutiny when remastered.

The basic plots are as follows:

Hero - A nameless lawman assassinates the three most notorious threats to the Emperor. With Gifts of land and gold the nameless prefect is allowed to approach the Emperor to tell his tale of how he managed the unbelievable deed. Is there more to his story than he's telling? What is the Emperor destined to learn and how will "All Under Heaven" be affected by the revelations both men will have?

House of Flying Daggers - Two Government Officials Leo and Jin target the rebel faction known as the "House of Flying Daggers". Their only connection is the beautiful blind Mei. Posing as a would be traitor, Jin, helps Mei to escape in hopes of using her find the location of the House of Flying Daggers. Jin finds his assignment far more complicated as he develops feeling for the enigmatic Mei. Truths stand revealed, betrayals are consumated, and the ultimate price is paid

Curse of the Golden Flower - the definition of a Greek tragedy. The Emperor and his second oldest son return home on the eve of the Chrysanthemum festival under the appearances of celebrating the family affirming event. Secretly the Emperor and his wife are allying force against each other. The three son's will be forced to acknowledge their betrayals, chose the final alliances, and walk down a final path that may destroy their family when all of their secrets are revealed.

Again these three films only represent a small portion of Yimou Zhang's work and I highly recommend seeking out his other films. The post was merely meant to praise his phenomel "wuxia trilogy". As I mentioned before these movies beg to be scene in a pristine format BUT don't let that be the reason you miss them. I don't care if you see them from a fith generation vhs print; they are THAT good.

Sony Classic Pictures: Curse of the Golden Flower Official Website