Saturday, September 20, 2008

...Like Tears in the Rain...

Yankee Stadium 1923-2008
Tomorrow an old friend dies. He lived a good life, Hell, 85 years is one heckuva a nice run. Guess that's easy for me to say...I'll still be here. Still, I have to say the things my friend has seen with his eyes, the moments he has been apart of, the people he's! My guy has had more great moments then any of his peers. It's not even close. I should have visited more often. Tomorrow we lose a good one. Tomorrow Yankee Stadium, the house that Ruth built will host it's last game. Ever.

Ruth's home runs, Gehrig's goodbye, Notre Dame winning just ONE for the Gipper, Louis destruction of the Nazi dream, Reggie's three homer night, Don Larsen's day of perfection, Maris's 61st, the "greatest NFL game ever", Jackie stealing home and stealing hearts, Bednariks near beheading of Frank Gifford, Brett's pine tar fueled rampage, Jeffrey "the kid that caught the ball" Maier, Jeter's catch, 17 ...SEVENTEEN CLINCHING WORLD SERIES GAMES FOR THE HOME TEAM Yankees, so many moments! "Oh the things I've seen with your eyes".

Time to move on old timer. Time for the new kid across the street to take over. Kid you've got a lot to live up to.
All those ... moments will be lost in time, like the rain. Time to die.
Roy Baty
Sports Illustrated Article ( Brilliant must read)
N.Y. Times Article
Canadian Press Article
MLB "New Parks" Article

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Wind Cries Hendrix.

38 years ago today the Voodoo Child set sail. Jimi Hendrix has been dead far longer than he actually lived yet still casts a shadow over anyone with guts enough to pick up a guitar.
"I'm the one that's got to die when it comes time for me to die, so let me live my life the way I want to."
James Marshall Hendrix

Prince Hates You. Maybe. Allegedly.

Major Disclaimer: I really wrestled with the idea of tackling this subject. Prince is now and will always be THE preeminent musical force in my little corner of the world. His musical legacy is intact and beyond anyones ability to denounce. This article is not about that. This is one fans opinion on the state of Prince's relationship with his ain't good is the short version, the 12 inch version is below. Read on reader.
Remember when Prince, the Minneapolis Miracle, was the cutting edge on the musical scene? The true American "rude boy". Fuck Neo, Prince was the One back in the day. The brother threw the ultimate house parties with his albums ( not CDs kiddies but 33 and 1/3 of magic coated wax). The range he covered made it hard to believe ALL that music came from one cat...but it did. The Hits: "I wanna be your lover","1999", "Purple Rain", "Kiss" . Album cuts like "Head", "D.M.S.R", "Lady Cab Driver" kept it movin'. The killer B-sides: "She's always in my hair", "Girl", "17 days", "Erotic City", "Another Lonely Christmas", man it seemed like the "purple music" pouring out of Minneapolis would never stop. Bottom line: Prince was the definitive musical force of his time. Now he's something else all together.

This is not about his musical prowess, hell that's beyond reproach. It's about his complete disrespect for his fan base. Do a search for Prince fan web sites. Did you find a few? If so check back in a month or two and see if they're still there. I can guarantee if they have any pictures, video, or real CONTENT you would like to see they won't be for long. His legal team will send them one of his famous cease and desist letters.

See, Prince does more time policing his internet presence than making music these days. Teaming up with Web Sheriff, suing Youtube( why would anyone in there right mind sue a site that advertises your product for free) , Pirate Bay ( THIS I understand they do provide opportunities to download copy written material) , and ebay ( they allow the sale of bootlegs and fake merchandise ...perhaps unknowingly). Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with anyone suing someone that is illegally profiting financially from their intellectual or "real" property, BUT I don't understand how preventing your fans from sharing free content is damaging a artist. This is from the man that used the catch phrase "free the music" during the 90's.

From the attack on the Prince fanzine Uptown Magazine back in the day to the recent pissing match between,, and ( that has resulted in the formation of a "resistance group", PFU-Prince Fans United) things have taken a turn from the ridiculous to the just plane assinine. Prince actually wrote a song (PFUNK) that vaguely ( that's me being charitable) outlines his feelings on the PFU group ( the song and the details can be heard and read here).

The trading communities have been devastated. Web sites shut down. Fan communities disbanded. Maybe Prince is not the One from the Matrix movies. Maybe he's the system of control Neo fought against. Maybe he's a rich millionaire with no connection to real people anymore. Maybe.Allegedly.
Update:New Article from USA Today
Ars technica Article
Tot's Mom vs. Prince article